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Book Club


Group counseling offers us to be in community with others while doing our soul work on a specific topic or healing. 


The Heroine's Journey:

Woman's Quest for Wholeness

Date:  TBD

This book group will meet every other week to explore the heroine's journey, a rich territory of the feminine psyche, and the contemporary woman's  search for wholeness in a society where she has been defined according to masculine values.  This group will use the book written by Maureen Murdock and explore cultural myths, fairy tales, ancient symbols, guided imagery, written exercises, and dreamwork to explore where each of us is in the heroine's journey. 


Eating in the Light

of the Moon

Date:  TBD

This group will use the book Eating in the Light of the Moon by Anita Johnston, PhD to explore how women can transform their relationship with food through myths, metaphors, and storytelling. We will use this book and it's mythological stories, guided imagery, dreamwork, and other included activities to transform our relationship with food. 


Artistic Alchemy

Starts:  Friday Sept 2 - 6pm-7:30pm

Using collage art and ritual to connect with your inner artist. This is a wonderful opportunity for anyone interested in an art practice focused on personal growth and reflection. No prior art experience necessary. 


$200 for 5 week group. To enroll text Liz @ (405) 315-0955

Group Discussion

Connection in Recovery

This is not a counseling group! This group is for individuals in recovery to come and connect with others in recovery while learning fun and interesting things to incorporate into their lives of sobriety. 

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